Parish Council Websites - fully compliant & easy for Clerks

Parish Council Websites from VCS are built to be incredibly simple and trouble free. Our system is designed with the Clerk in mind to make uploads and updates easy. Yet, unlike many, our sites are genuinely and fully WCAG 2.2AA compliant to take away the worry of being found out by the Government Watchdog!

We have carefully created our system for parish councils who a) don't wish to spend a fortune and b) certainly don't want to pay for lots of bells and whistles they will never even need.

"Wow! That's going to take me a while to get over how impressed I am. This is exactly what we've been looking for."

Dave Attrill, Chair, Little Oakley Parish Council

VCS Websites Ltd have been around since 1999 (originally named Visual Computing Services Ltd) and we stick to the same tenets as when we started making websites - they must be functional and fast. We believe that websites which are "pretty, but hard to use" are "pretty useless"! 

Despite our longevity, we keep up with the times, and all our websites have responsive web designs (RWD). This means the pages respond to the screen size, be it a desktop, tablet or mobile, so on a small screen you don't have to scroll sideways or pinch in to try to make the thing fit, or out to make out tiny text. Our many years of experience with large clients means we can also cater for the needs of larger councils.

We offer free support via email and never leave our clients in the lurch, as our many testimonials will confirm.

Whilst we first ran parish council websites back in 2003, our current Parish Council Websites system was totally redesigned in 2019, offering more functionality in an even easier system, whilst meeting all the newer legislative requirements. We are gladly taking enquiries from councils all over England.